If you are referred for an investigation by the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) or the Canada Border Services Agency(CBSA), it means that you may be subject to an admissibility hearing or removal proceedings pursuant to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.

Common reasons for investigations

If you or your spouse or any other sponsored person received a letter stating that you or your sponsor is under the investigation, it means that your file with the IRCC is on hold, and the CBSA/IRCC is investigating your immigration history as they believe that you are in violation of Immigration and Refugee Protection Act or Regulations. The most common reasons for investigations are marriages of convenience, bad faith marriages, divorces of convenience, adoption of convenience, complaints by third parties, misrepresentation, criminality, perjury or commission of any other activity that may lead to inadmissibility to Canada.

If you are under investigation, you may have to appear for an admissibility hearing, which may further lead to a removal order. Investigation cases may take more than a year for processing. It is beneficial to contact a lawyer at an early stage to deal with the investigations.


If CBSA believes that a person may not appear for investigation, an arrest warrant may be issued. If the CBSA arrests you or if the CBSA officers attend your residence, you shall not make any statement unless you consult a lawyer.

We can help you if you are under such an investigation or arrest. For further information, please contact us.